Fabrizio Tamburini


Executive for L’Espresso/Gedi Group for 20 years, founder and artistic director of Radio m2o for 18 years, Fabrizio Tamburini has also been the chief of Radio Capital from 2005 to 2007. Communication and marketing manager of multisector companies, he’s proud of being a soccer coach as well.

Fabrizio, what is eculture.?

The birth of eculture. represents the beginning of a new era and I am proud to hold the position of President of this new Group.

The entertainment sector is on its knees: the emergency is certainly not over but we can see a restart. In this very long phase of repositioning we have convinced ourselves that the very concept of Entertainment must be evolved, innovated, by associating it inextricably with the more extensive and vital one of Culture.

After all, sixty years after the rock revolution, electronic music has united generations of all backgrounds, ethnicities and social backgrounds, generating in turn new connections and stimuli, in a virtuous circle in which “entertainment” and “culture” spread. and they grow hand in hand.

Starting from this premise, we decided to bring together the best professionals in the field of entertainment, digital, equity and communication to ensure an epochal turning point for the whole movement: different know-how integrated and completely focused on a single goal.

This is eculture.: it is the first global player of innovative integrated services related to entertainment based in Berlin, Ibiza, Los Angeles and Milano. A mix of ideas, services and huge investments with which we want to impose a new vision of the world of entertainment on a global level.

(From the official press release)

Radiospeaker.it intervista Fabrizio Tamburini, Station Manager di m2o. Come sarà il Futuro della Radio?

Fabrizio Tamburini, direttore di "m2o Radio", ospite nella redazione di ART NEWS www.art-news.it